Customer Service

May 14, 2021
You know how you feel when you have a bad customer service experience. You can't wait to tell everyone you know. If that happens at McDonalds or Walmart it most likely won't affect their profit margin. They have so many customers they will not miss you. But then again you'll probably go back because of the convenience. But the situation is not the same for your business. One bad customer service experience could seriously affect your livelihood. Before social media, someone could tell a few people about the poor experience they had with your company. Nowadays in a few moments, with a few clicks they can tell the whole world. It is of the utmost importance that you give each customer/client the quality of service that you would want to receive. If necessary, provide training for your employees so that they understand the importance of providing quality customer service. I can help you attract customers, but it is your responsibility to WOW them to want to continue doing business with you.
"It takes months to find a customer. . . seconds to lose one." Vince Lombardi
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